Vol. 7 No. 1-2 (2024): Editorial Comments

Once again we are delighted to welcome our esteemed readers to issue number 1-2, volume 7 of the Journal of Epidemiological Society of Nigeria (JESON). I wish to use this medium to thank all researchers who have kept faith with us and kept publishing in our Journal with our meticulous and robust review process which, many times, may appear too laborious and stringent to authors. The result is that articles that eventually get published in the Journal meet the highest standard of scientific scrutiny and the authors and readers are the happier for it. As always, this issue of the Journal brings to you new information from exciting original studies and a case report from around Nigeria.


I wish to express my sincere appreciation to reviewers who have put their knowledge, skills, experience and time at our disposal to critically review our manuscripts not only for this issue but for the past issues of the Journal.

The editorial team remains eternally grateful to all of you.

Professor Jonathan C. Daboer

Editor in Chief

Published: 2024-01-20

Original Article