Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)

The editorial team of the Journal of Epidemiological Society of Nigeria is delighted to present the second issue of the third volume of our Journal to our teeming readers.
We have been spending a lot of time, as the year 2020 draws to a close, on upgrading our journal, improving the effectiveness of our Manuscript Management System (MMS), quality peer-review as well as aggressive indexing.
As you may have observed, all our articles have been assigned CrossRef DOI numbers. This is an exciting part of our aggressive indexing efforts in just a few months of take-off of this new editorial board.
I wish to solicit the support of members of the editorial team and the Board of Editorial Advisers to enable us conquer new frontiers in research and digital publishing in the years ahaed.
On behalf of my editorial team, I wish our esteem authors, reviewers and readers, happy reading and a very Prosperous New Year in advance as we look forward to more exciting times for our Journal.
Dr Jonathan C. Daboer